July Update: PIE 4.8, APEC Conference Presentation, Coming Soon – “PIE X” –

July Update:

I just realized that I have not updated this blog in a month, things have been pretty busy around here at Stclairtech R&D.

The PIE 4.8 is fully assembled and functional, I have put on an inertial propulsion presentation for the APEC conference, I have had to move part of our R&D lab to a new location, and actual construction of the PIE X is underway.

PIE 4.8 Testing:

The PIE 4.8 is running through a full gamut of tests where many things are being learned. It is also passing every test so far with very few technical problems.

It is installed in a road vehicle at this time. Below is a quick video getting ready to drive.

I have had smooth enough gearing that there has been no issue holding timing adjustments.

The counter rotating wheels has proven quite successful.

A pendulum type test has been performed successfully. I do not agree that this is truly the “gold standard” that agencies like NASA feel it is since it is easily manipulated. I went to great lengths to ensure accuracy, during which I discovered numerous things which could have skewed the results, reinforcing my belief that a more “foolproof” and “accurate” method needs to be developed. If the PIE did not “pulse” the pendulum test would be much more accurate! A video of the swinging pendulum test is below.

The SDC system works equally as well with 4 actuators allowing the 90-degree offset between wheels which works better as a hybrid design.

Test results will be fully posted here as soon as compiled properly!

APEC Conference:

I narrated a Power Point presentation at the APEC conference on June 26th 2021 regarding the PIE inertial propulsion system and its development from the beginning. The presentation covered development, successes, failures, and equally importantly that I am not trying to “prove” anything. My videos, this blog, presentations, in-person demonstrations, and all testing data is not an attempt to “prove” anything but is simply to “demonstrate” what has been found. What works and what doesn’t work, what is worth investigating and what to work around. A link to the APEC Website and to a video recording of the presentation is below.

Alternative Propulsion (APEC) website

Conference video from 06/26/2021. My part starts at about 3:46 but all are very well worth watching!


Although I have certain obligations to withhold some detailed information regarding the PIE X, I do want to touch on it briefly.

The geometric working design (like the Thornson design) has been presented to me as 2nd and 3rd hand information because the originator is “unavailable” (possibly deceased). There is almost no written information about this design, so much of it is being built from photos taken decades ago and drawings, diagrams, and notes from people who have held this information “in trust” for all these years.

A few details that I can share at this time, the PIE X plans will:

Be a chain driven, electric PIE.

Use 3 “wheels” which for this design will be known as “discs”.

Be able to be mounted in virtually any orientation.

Run at a slightly higher RPM.

Have less obvious “pulsing”.

Be built very heavy (sturdy), with experimental use in mind.

Not use (probably) an SDC control circuit.

Will have more moving parts than the earlier PIEs.

Is much more expensive to construct.

At this writing, the 3 discs are machined, welded, matched, and ready for paint and the framework is partially built and is ready for more components to be assembled. Most of the components have been procured but many of them require customization and there is still much to do!

I wish I could say more and share the PIE X build as openly as the previous builds, but it will be exciting to see if it works as we (my collaboration team and I) believe it will, the unit will be unveiled publicly for demonstrations!!

Until then, stay tuned for more info as it is able to be released!